Tuesday, February 26, 2008
the most confused clique you'll ever find. we encompass all ethnicities.

the '
CINA-POK' pose. note the half-hearted 'twiss!' hand gestures. typical.

the ultimate
INDIAN 'you vant to eat???' expression that we all know so well (read: Russell Peters)

and my personal favourite (and i'm not being biased)...representative of the
MALAY: the minah poses. 'STOP IT EH' and 'se-tep jambu'.

we make singapore proud. =D
sheer elegance-
Saturday, February 23, 2008
and then there's TFP's Pinocchio's Complex coming up as well, and Foreplay by underground theatre sounds interesting.
any takers? =)
sheer elegance-
Friday, February 22, 2008
so the dreaded day finally came. it was time to say goodbye to our dearest melly. seriously, i am so so proud of mel. it's so brave of her to take this big step in her life to leave the comfort of her own home and her family and friends to pursue her ambitions. i admire her for being so sure of what she wants to do and for having the courage to take risks and just go for it.
so anyway, at the airport:
everyone wanted a piece of mel...

i'm really going to miss her. even in such a short period of time of knowing her, she made a difference in my life. such a treasure of a friend she is.
dear mel,
all i want is for you to be happy. i shant say i wish you hadnt gone because that'll just be a selfish thing to say. i'm happy you've found something that you really want to do and i'm happy you're grabbing opportunities laid down in front of you and not letting them slip through your fingers. dont worry about your friends and family in singapore. just take care of yourself and make the most out of your stay there. and come back to visit please! dont find some hot aussie over there and suddenly forget all about us here. =P

sheer elegance-
Monday, February 18, 2008
so chingay is finally over.
i have to say i didnt enjoy it as much as i enjoyed last year's. i guess because i was so not feeling this year's dance. plus the fact that i was sick made me breathless most of the time and seriously, dancing at 7 stations back to back is no joke at all. i was already tired from all the waiting. i really almost wanted to die at the end of it all. it was just too tiring. i'm so glad it's all over.
i really didn't take any photos except for a few coz my camera phone kept screwing up. it's a sign i need to get a new phone. but anyways...here are some things we had to put up with:

we had to wear really ugly props. pointy fingers with pearls??? seriously what were they thinking!

we had to make ourselves up with glitter that is impossible to get off. my face still hurts from all that scrubbing.
but i guess complains aside, i did have a bit of fun. all thanks to the company.

here's me with the lovely munirah. i enjoyed the chitchat session with her during our long long wait at the back.
oh and i even had the time to do a kusumawangi shot. scary isnt it!
ah well, one thing down, 435978610 to go.
sheer elegance-
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
ugh flu bug please go away.
i realise i always fall really really sick at the worst and most inappropriate times. i was down real bad with flu and throat infection days before i had to perform in a play, and that happened on 2 occasions. same thing happened last year during national day dinner period when i had to dance. and now when i have a 45min presentation on friday and 2 days of chingay to peform for as well as teach for 5 hours on saturday, i have completely lost my voice and any energy in my body to do any work. talk about bad timing.
God please let me get better soon! i cannot afford to be sick now.
but mum's are the best when you're sick really. i always tell her not to fuss over me. she never wants to leave me alone when i am this sick because she is so afraid i will collapse. paranoid much. okay it has happened twice before but no need to be so overly protective. but anyway secretly i love th fussing because she makes really delicious sick people food and she rendams selasih to soothe my thorat and she does things for me and she doesnt nag at me to do housework! loves it. =)
have a happy valentine's everyone.
sheer elegance-
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Latest spiffy escapade.
Venue: Labrador Park
Theme: Floral (okay fine i cheated. sorry okay ;P)
a picture says a thousand words. here's a few.

do you really have to go?
sheer elegance-
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
i really admire my grandaunt's strength. even when she's lying on the hospital bed cringing every 2 mins in pain she still can maintain her sense of humour and make me laugh til my sides hurt. and she was so high on drugs it took her half an hour of talking to my mum and i before realising it was us and not the nurses checking up on her. haha.
today i went to kpo2 at the pementasan practice session with the actors just to see what the cast was like and all. i am really excited to see how things progress coz from what i observed just now, the dynamics of this group of actors is just fantastic. we have a bunch of crazy and hilarious people in our cast and if today was just the beginning, i believe we're all in for a fantastic journey during these remaining months leading to the day itself.
it's supposed to be a public holiday but tomorrow i have a bloody dance day camp to attend. i need a holiday. a nice long holiday. this must be the millionth time i'm saying it, I NEED A HOLIDAY. khairi knows what he needs to do for me.
off to bed. REST. a need to get myself more of that.
sheer elegance-
Monday, February 04, 2008
i officially have lunch buddies on mondays. i am happy. today mardi and i celebrated latiff's birthday over lunch by surprising him with a cute teeney weeney cake and of course, us being the top most uber fun girls in the world, latiff ended up looking like this:

LOL he might just kill me for posting this photo but whatever. loves it. and here's the adorable little mardianaaaaa!

i didnt take picture of mardi so i stole one from her friendster. lol. jangan marah mardi. next week i take a nice photo of you k.
here's to many more fun lunches together. =)
- i was chatting with my woman filzah about boyfriends and dating just now and i think both of us are in the same boat in a way. on the one hand i realise i should open myself up more and get to know more people but at the same time i am a little tired of people constantly reminding me that time's running out. and it's not just people asking me to find a boyfriend, it's friends everywhere suddenly getting attached and increasing the pressure. and of course there's that feeling of loneliness and yearning to know what it feels like that creeps up on me occasionally (more often than not) which makes everything worst. i try my best to keep my mind of thinking about things like this by keeping myself busy which i really am.
but honestly, it's not that i dont want to open up, i guess deep down inside there's that fear of getting hurt. i have a few weaknesses and one of them is being overly trusting and i truely am scared that i would get my heart broken in the end. and i'm not very strong at all. call me dumb but that's what holding me back, fear. and if i dont get over it one day it might be too late.
sheer elegance-
Friday, February 01, 2008
just some random thoughts:
- chingay this year sucks seriously. rehearsals are super slow moving and i spend 3/4 of my time waiting around while the choreographers figure out what to do and where to put us when all of this should have been sorted out a long time ago. it's really sucking the life out of me. i could be doing smth more productive at home or at least be catching up on some much needed rest. not to mention the costume is super dull and uninspiring. and since the float and sizzors lift are so huge the audience wouldnt even probably see us, i dont see the point in all of it really. i just cannot wait for it to be over and i can take a break to focus on pementasan, and my projects!
- i miss mel a lot. i havent seen her for weeks.
- i miss nadia as well, and yati, and sharini. i havent seen them since forever. girls, we should meet up for gossip soon.
- i get easily frustrated lately, even during days i'm not supposed to be pms-ing. it's very unlike me. it worries me.
- i don't know whether i really want to major in english despite having spent thousand over points bidding for ONE bloody compulsory english module.
- readings, readings, readings, readings, readings. it's never-ending.
- my brother and i live under the same roof yet i can safely say i havent seen for weeks.
- i think i think too much sometimes.
sheer elegance-