Thursday, December 13, 2007

you really find joy in the simplest things in life.

first and foremostly, happy birthday again to darling fazli who just turned 20! (you oldie you...damn it i'm soon...). the most important guy in my life right now, hahaha. so went to do some celebrating yesterday, fyda, birthday boy and myself and well what can i say, it's definitely no match for filzah's birthday surprises (she's like the mega mastermind ;p)...but it was nice in all it's pathetic-ness. hahas. pictures say a thousand words so i shant say more and let these gorgeoussss photos do all the talking.


FOOD FOOD...glorious fooooood....

birthday brownie...which
was UBER yummay courtesy of yours truly the fabulous MOI...haha!

so obviously the girls got a little carried away with the camwhoring...fazli felt a little left out...

aaah yes, that's more like it. ;)

and we're all happy.

good things come in threes. it's true.

sheer elegance-

Friday, December 07, 2007


omg i cannot imagine having to go through this every 6months...God help me please. but whatever it, after a whole friggin' year of work and school, i finally, FINALLY get to take a break. let's not talk abt dance. that's a never ending cycle. for now though...let's bring out the spiffy (my new favourite word)...

girls just wana have funnnn....

melly and i feeling in cold country hor mel...hahaha. love that girl. =)

sheer elegance-

La Femme

Zuhara, zu, zoo, zuzu...take your pick...
5th march 1988
admiralty pri, anderson sec, nyjc, nus...

Wishes for world peace...wouldnt it be nice if the world was Cadbury...mmm

Les Amies

aRiNa AiN AsRi CoLLeeN DoRiSa fAzLi FiLzAh FiLzAh LJ FiZzA fYdA HaDi HaQeeM HayaTi HaZri HuDa JiAn XuAn KaK AyU KaK InTaN KaK NoNi LaTiFF LAME mArDi MeLaNiE MuNiRaH NaDiA NaNi NaNi LJ rAdHiAh RaNiThA RuZaNnA SaRa sHaRiNi sHuFaNg SuFiE sYaF Teater Tari Era XiaoYi YaTi YaNa YiNg XiAn



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