Wednesday, January 23, 2008
so everyone should have heard by now the tragic news that heath ledger passed away yesterday. i have to say i'm quite sad, i mean he wasnt that much of a favourite, but i liked him and i thought he was a not bad actor. and he even has a new movie coming up. of course not forgetting he's left a daughter as well. life's really full of surprises.
onto another serious note, i wish people would mind their own business and not stick their noses into other people's affairs. i mean you can make your own assumptions despite knowing the real story and start bitching and gossiping, that's human nature i guess, that's just how people are. but if you're going to give a person a hard time just because you disagree with what he or she has done in his or her personal life, then that's just plain childish. work and personal life are two separate entities and matured people know that you cannot let your personal feelings affect your work, and you especially cannot let it affect the way you view the people you work with. so i hope everyone would stop wasting all their time judging others when they can put all their energy in being more productive professionally. no actually you know what, professionalism or no, just mind your own beeswax. nobody likes a busybody. sometimes it's good to keep things to yourself, it maintains peace, and it refrains from anyone getting hurt.
i dont want anyone to get hurt.
sheer elegance-
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
okay i know this entry is waaaaaayyyy overdue but i had a lot of things on my plate to settle lately. the previous week ive been busy busy planning parties now i finally have the time to breathe. i had the best time ever though and i wish for more of such things to make my life more interesting.
first party, MELLY's 20th BIRTHDAY BASH. The most bimbotic part of this bash (with only 5 ppl) was that our sole reason for buying oversized white tees for the party was so that we could write all sorts of nonsense on them with colourful markers for melly to keep as souvenirs...but we ended up forgetting all about doing that! but it was all good and i hope mel enjoyed it. love her to bits. i am really not looking forward to the day she leaves. i stand by my statement of wanting to lose more weight so that i can fit into your luggage mel. it's number one ony my new year's resolution list. :)

so then i had the much awaited (apparently only by a measely few) SOHO party me and nani organised. i have to say i was quite, no very disappointed with the turnout. a lot, and i mean A LOT of food was wasted and i didnt get to see many ppl i was hoping to see. to all of those who came, thank you so much and i hope you guys enjoyed it. to those who came earlier to help out, we couldnt have done it without you so thank you. herrick, eric and JQ were sweet to have stayed ALL the way til morning and helped us pack up and clean up. i am never, and i think nani will agree with me on this, ever going to organise another party again unless i have a car and truck loads of money at my disposal. despite the setbacks it wasnt too bad. everyone was all spiffy miffy. i like. :)

first week of school was boring with a capital B, perhaps excpet for malay culture and crossing boundaries. i think i can skip mondays from now on coz EL2111 is on webcast and i have no other lectures or tutorials on that day. webcast is the greatest invention ever made. loves it. =)
things in my calendar: pementasan, drama classes, chingay, nus arts fest (i joined ilsa tari can you believe it???). whooopeee. spiffy miffies have labelled me the overachiever. haha. right. it's more of feeling obligated and needing the money. let's hope i dont burn out.
sheer elegance-
Friday, January 04, 2008
despite my excruciating cramps, i woke up this afternoon with i big fat toothy smile on my face. why you ask?
i dreamt about my dream guy. *sighs*
it was so exciting! we were sitting around somewhere waiting for rehearsal to start. we were in a production together, i was acting and he was part of the production team. and he just came and sat next to me during the break and started talking to me, asking me questions and being all nice and sweet...and throughout the whole time i was thinking in my head "omg i have found my dream guy. i've found him!" and the best thing is, he's really really cute. not like drop dead gorgeous or anything, but as sufie puts it, realistically good-looking. he was looking all cool and sexy in jeans and black jacket. and as i was sitting next to him gazing up into his soulful eyes, it just felt so right. (LAUGH ALL YOU WANT, JUST LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT, it's not every day you dream about mr. right =] )
i hope i dream about him again.
sheer elegance-
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
i had a whole long entry planned for know to sum up what ive done for the year like i do every end of year. but i realised, for this year, i just couldnt. not because there's nothing to talk about but because there's just too much to say and i wouldnt do justice to it no matter how long my entry might have been. it's just been a hell of a year for me. i did so many things that i am proud of and many that i would rather not have done. i got into teaching right from the beginning of the year and stuck to it til the end and look where i am now, i'm financially independent. i joined a professional dance group which has been my dream since i was still in primary school, and now, ive performed in close to 10 professional shows and even get paid for them. i got my A level results, applied for uni and managed to get in, and now, i'm well on my way to getting myself a degree. ive met so many people during the course of working, dancing and schooling and ive made wonderful friends, and perhaps some not so good ones, but who have all made a difference in my life in one way or another. i had some rough time with one of my bestest friends at the beginning of the year and i regret anything ive done that might have hurt her, but at the same time i'm glad it happened because it's taught me some valuable lessons about friendship, and ive come out a more matured person. i kind of fell in love this year as well and got my heart broken. it was a bittersweet experience, one that i would want to forget but also at the same time remember every moment of it for the rest of my life.
A lot of things happened to me this year, and as i was thinking this in my head i realised one thing, that it's all been about me. i did this, i did that. this happened to me and it's made me all depressed. oh i'm soproud of myself for having achieved that, yay for me. and while i've ben busy doing things for myself, i feel like ive neglected my family the most this year and feeling that they're of less importance than anything else. i know ive also neglected some friends. and i have also neglected God. ive basically been self-centred and i was only thinking about my own happiness. yes ive become more independent and made something of myself. but now it's time to be less selfish.
so, new year's resolution. abt a week ago i told a friend that my new year's resolution was to find a peace of mind, be happier and be more confident of myself. again, all me me me. but i am still sticking to those words, and try to fulfil them by putting others before myself this time, being a better daughter to my parents, being a better sister to my brother, being a better friend, and being closer to God. to be realistic, that's a lot to aim for and i'll consider myself lucky if i manage to fulfil half of it, but i'm going to try my best and hopefully next year i'll come out a better person.
2007 was a BLAST. but here's to a better year ahead.
happy new year y'all.
sheer elegance-