okay i need to make this a quick one coz i have to go to bed soon if i'm planning to begin my day early tomorrow.
i had loads of fun today with that bugger. met her to go for matriculation today. i felt bad coz it was quite useless for her to have gone just now since the NUS idiots seem to think it really smart to only allow students to go for the fair only if they've received their matric card. so she ended up waiting for me the whole time. but i guess we were quite happy to have had ramli burger for lunch. and met up with nani for a short while before going to town with one mission in mind...SHOPPING!
i was supposed to be shopping for fazli's birthday presents but umm obviously i got distracted by my own shopping which btw, we tried on many clothes and shoes but ended up not buying any. honestly we didnt do justice to the word "shopping" today. paris hilton would have been appalled to hear it. dont know why nadia's suddenly interested in getting heels. every shoe shop we passed she would point out a pair of sexy heels. haha. actly you know what...it's true, you are getting more girly. hahaha YESSAR.
anw we ended up only getting perfume for ourselves which made us quite satisfied in the end i think. OH and to end off the day, we watched "alone" and got ourselves laughed at by the whole cinema for screaming so loudly. esp nadia sad to say. kau pekik buruk seh. but i dnt knw if you noticed the mats behind us were screaming with us at one point. hahaha. macho gilerr.
the best part of the day today was the chatting with her i think. we managed to catch up on so much. i'm glad she's having quite an exciting social life. AHEM. didnt realise how much i miss her til today. yay nad, we must do this more often when we start school.
:) it is the simple things in life that puts a smile on your face at the end of the day.
you know i've been so caught up with work and dance and whatever else that's happening around me that i feel as if i havent had time for myself. i've hardly had time to dwell in my thoughts like i always used to do, which can sometimes be a good thing because i'd end up being depressed and sobbing. but yeah, it's like by the time i get home i'll be so tired i'd be like a zombie and wash up, go to bed. then i'd have to wake up early the next morning and go through the whole cycle again before i can even digest and reflect on what happened the previous day. it's like i'm going through my days so fast i can hardly catch up with myself.
oh well i'm at fyda's right now! it's been ages since i last saw her and by some sheer coincidence i bumped into her on the mrt on my way back and somehow i ended up in her room. okay that sounds a bit wrong but whatever. i miss her a lot and now we're bickering about something. just like how it's always been. met up with poppy rani thuts and sharini last week too and we went so crazy. it makes me so happy to know that even if we havent met each other for eons we can still pick up where we left off and it's as if we've never parted.
reading harry potter book 7 now so exciting!
there's been hardly anything to blog about lately besdies the usual mundane or depressing stuff so i shall brighten up my blog a little with some photos! yay! blogger has been kind to me tonight. uploading these pics was a breeze than god. anyway yeah had a modelling gig last friday with some of the PA members. we basically had to model some costumes for wearhouse. we were paid $50 and considering the little amount of work we had to do to earn it (seriously it was just strutting around on stage for less than 5 mins...) it was worth it. i had tons of fun coz the company was great, although the dressing up was HUGE chore for me coz everything was rushed and my hair-do was HEAVY. kudos to bada for the very quickly put together hairstyle i was stuck with for the day which turned out to be quite okay despite his rush. i remember he attacked my head with a whole lot of hair clips and almost half a bottle of hairspray and topped it all off with 4 sangguls that weighed A TON. ph well all in the day's work i guess. haha.

here's me with the gorgeous kak noni. she really looks like a korean girl here. so jealous i got stuck with the typical javanese costume!

there you have Sir Raimie in his Olden English costume. i dont think he's WHITE enough to carry that costume well. haha. he still looks so Melayu. tak boleh lari lah babe.

sir stamford raffles? NOT! haha.

that's bada in his thai costume. he looks so cute here but see him on the runway...a true model. haha cheh wah.

here's one with kak noni and some other girl who's name i didnt catch (SORRY!)...she has impossible to walk in footwear...made me thankful i had my pair of broken indonesian slippers, even if mine looked like it was about to eat the floor whenever i walked...

oooh this chinese dancer totally embodied the jap girl look. classic i tell you. she looked great.

and here we have our English couple...apparently the girl's breath stinks...hehe...so much for looking clean and proper....

and we have our most amusing japanese couple. totally in character...

and what do we have here? a rather odd couple i must say. CUTE LAH SANGAT!
and of course, the highlight of the day had to be the one and only...

Javanese couple... =) gorgeous arent we? HAHA.

this was when we first met...you know...shy...not sure what to do...but we moved fast...and learnt secrets about each other...

...oooooh SCANDALOUS!

then asri tries to take things to another level...i tried to stop him. i wasnt ready...

but....oh well, i couldnt resist. OOPS!

someone's CELEBRATING...this must be the morning after...

but jap boy wasnt too happy that someone touched his special sword...as for raimie being there, well, everyone wants a piece of him.

while the boys fought, i took the opportunity to take a few shots of myself alone...

but the best one of me has to be this one raimie took secretly while he was supposed to take a photo of me and asri...haha poor asri, he was posing so keenly thinking he was modelling for the camera...
that's about it...not many interesting photos. would have had many more if my phone didnt lag so much. anyway, more photos at asri's blog if you guys wana go take a look.
if not, til next time...ciaos.