Wednesday, September 20, 2006

prelims are almost overrrr! i cannot wait for 5pm today when cikgu ibrahim says 'pens down.' i feel like A levels are over already which is not good but what the heck i need a brrrreak!

sometimes i feel like my mum and i, our roles as mother and daughter interchange. obviously she plays mum most of the time but sometimes i find myself playing the mum card. like when she failed her instructor course exam she was telling me she was feeling so depressed (sounds familiar?) about it and i had to come in and console her, tell her that it's not the end of the world and give her study tips. then of course when i say to her 'see it's not so easy isnt it', she'll nag and say 'you dont understand, i havent studied for how so many years already, you're still a student, you should be doing well!'. right okay. and when she was having a problem with work i actually gave her some advice...i guess mothers dont actually have all the answers but how weird is it to be giving advice to your MOTHER.

i need to make a list of what i want to do after As and actually do carry them out. candice, i say our motto from now on should be less talk more action! and less whining!

sheer elegance-

Thursday, September 07, 2006


sheer elegance-

La Femme

Zuhara, zu, zoo, zuzu...take your pick...
5th march 1988
admiralty pri, anderson sec, nyjc, nus...

Wishes for world peace...wouldnt it be nice if the world was Cadbury...mmm

Les Amies

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