Wednesday, May 31, 2006
it's the holidays and i'm in school now mugging. how exciting.
went bowling yesterday which was super fun coz fazli and i were bowling beside a pro who scored like strike after strike (well, ALMOST) while at our lane the pins were practically untouched and our balls kept going into the 'lonkang'. but i managed to score one strike! yay! and i won so ha!
there's problems with prom yet again. this is so frustrating. candice our red carpet fantasy is being dashed bit by bit. we gotta do something to save it!
i dont understand why some people can just be so mean as to bitch about people you dont even know. like hello, what pleasure do you derive from making fun of people who have nothing to do with you...stop putting people down to cover up your own insecurities okay. like christina aguilera belts out in one of hr songs...'you must talk so big, to make up for smaller things'...yeah like your tiny miniscule almost non-existant dick! ugh!
okay back to mugging. toodles.
sheer elegance-
Monday, May 29, 2006
i cant believe people are complaining that i dont update so here i am updating.
nothing much's been going on. it's homework, mug, homework, mug all the way. it's boring and tiring and killing me but i have no other choice. it's not that bad actly coz everyone around me is doing the same thing so we all can find comfort in that.
we're going for prom! yayyyy! like finally. after so much deliberation and persuasion and whining candice and i managed to get our classmates to go for prom. high-5 candice! it's freaking expensive but i guess it's a once in a lifetime thing and it's at fullerton and i really really always wanted to dress up glamorously and go for prom.
156 days left to a levels apparently. that's very very little time. i need to stop slacking like what i'm doing now and studyyy!!!!
star gazing with thatha and thuthu todayy was pleasant and peaceful aside from the man whom thuthu claims were looking intently at us from his house window. we talked about the future and about boys and basically other things girls would talk about. sometimes the best things in life are free and simple. =)
sheer elegance-
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
i was extremely disappointed yesterday. you can say what you want but we worked hard for a gold, mr tong coached us towards that direction, we expected nothing less. but when dorisa suddenly sat up during lit tutorial, turned to me and said "we got a silver", i didnt know what to think. my gut feeling had always said it would be a silver but i guess deep down i was really hoping beyond hoping that my gut feeling was wrong. i was fine at first but when i saw neetha and i hugged her, everything just fell apart. i dont even know why we were so affected by it. everyone else was congratulating us and saying we did a great job.
and i guess now i do see no point in crying over it. hey we raised the bar for nyedc, we really did come up with a kick-ass play even if the judges think otherwise, we had A LOT of fun, we impressed many many people who really thought we couldnt make it, we forged special friendships and...and...and...okay maybe i am trying to make myself feel better here...
sheer elegance-
Saturday, May 20, 2006
photos time! yayy!
Drama Night:

05A3 is LOVE.
my adoring fans... =P
look at how happy samir is...GATAL!

me and my best best friend and i =)

mardi looks so adorable...
me and the j1s...thanks for the support girls...

fazli (look at that model wannabe..hahaha), zanna and hazri...
the wonderful cast minus dorisa.


the five-foot-way team...we like so rock.
Dinner at Samar Restaurant:

Me and Ms Kwok at coffee bean...

at samar...the place is gorgeous and the food is delicious...the company was priceless.
Camwhoring session in school:

thatha, what'll i ever do without you darling...

me and my girlfriend... =D

reminiscing the good days...

we love gilmore girls! right candice?
photo op with RONIN vocalist!!!:

we were the only people who rocked to their songs...bloody jc muggers...
yayyy....omg uploading photos is such a drag...i'm tired...
ok off to finish off last minute homework...UGH!
sheer elegance-
Thursday, May 18, 2006
a huge huge pile of homework is sitting in my bag calling me to complete it but i cant seem to get my ass up and get anything done. what's new right...
i've been extremely happy and contented these past few days. had a nice late lunch with fazli today after school (the first time in many weeks that i actually saw the light of day when i left school!) and we caught up on things. with him it can be so wild and crazy, and other times, like this one, pleasant and peaceful. and yesterday i had the most wonderful time with the drama ppl at samar restaurant where ms kwok and mr ng treated all of us to a hearty dinner. yemeny food is absolutely fantastic, the setting and atmosphere was breathtaking, and the company was priceless. we stayed there from 5-9.30 pm just having a feast, playing games and sharing jokes. i'm so thankful i was part of all this. to think i once rejected the role. thank god for them not being able to find a suitable replacement. i would have missed out on so much, including the free food! ;p
on a less cheerful note, i know many people have noticed a huge change in me since my secondary school days, appearance and attitude wise. some think i've changed for the better, and some think i've changed for the worst. which one is it? have i become a horrible person? or am i still the same old zu? but then again why should i care about what ppl think? i hate it that i care so much about what others think of me. you know i'm so sick and tired of people saying i've changed and this and that. ok fine, i've changed. deal with it. i've always opened my heart to others, accept others no matter what flaws they have, dealt with the changes i've seen in others. i've never been a bitch to anyone who truly dont deserve it. if you receive bitch treatment from me, it means you're really bad. but that's besides the point. the point is that why cant others see the changes in me and just deal with it? if my treatment towards you hasnt changed, why cant you just treat me the same way you've always treated me, rgardless of how i've changed? i feel myself slowly growing as a person, creating my own identity, coming out of the shadows. please give me this chance to blossom, and not hide anymore. stop thinking that i'm dumb and i'll shut up even when you have a go at me. stop taking advantage of my patience. and above all stop thinking i've changed for the worst simply because i fight back when you throw shit at me.
i'm slowly dealing with my self-esteem issues. dont you dare spoil it for me.
sheer elegance-
Wednesday, May 17, 2006's all over.
so it was syf yesterday. i dont know what to think. we were missing a prop, the set cocked up during the performance, and we missed the spotlight for the final scene. but other than that everything went rather smoothly. there's no point fretting over it now coz everything is now in the hands of the judges but i cant help but wonder.
a pathetic 3 out of a possible 20 ppl cam to support us, syimah, filzah and fazli. i had loads of fun during the bus ride back to school and having dinner with the cast and crew at serangoon gardens market followed by ice-cream at sticky rice just made my day. i expected to see tears but i guess there's no point in crying. we were all fun and laughter and that's the way it should be, that's the way it should remain. we cant keep looking back and think 'omg it ended' and bawl our eyes out everytime. we should remember the good times and laugh about it. dont get me wrong, i feel sad, i really do. i mean really, i spent about 2 months working for this, and i made loads of wonderful friends, and i strengthened bonds with loads of wonderful ppl. it's an expereince i will never forget...EVER. but i dont want to meet xiaoyi along the corridors and run into her arms crying. i want to see her and hug her and smile and laugh with her. and i want to do that with everybody else as well. so my dear cast and crew of five-foot-way, let's be sad that we've come to the end of this wonderful journey, but more importantly let's celebrate our accomplishments and the special friendships that we've forged. smile everyone!
i cant wait for post production party! =)
sheer elegance-
Monday, May 08, 2006
well drama night's finally over. it's so sad! i mean it's not really over yet coz we still gotta work for another week or so for syf but i'm already feeling like something's missing. preparing for five-foot-way was really a rollercoaster ride and i especially enjoyed the last week when everything was finally coming together, the sets, the props, the script even. the cast got much closer and we got to bond with the wonderful wacky crew as well. there's sooo much i'm gonna miss!
i'm gonna miss xiaoyi's lame jokes and bimbo-ness. i'm gonna miss franson's ah beng antics. i'm gonna miss samir's SUPER lame/hilarious jokes and comments, and him constantly running away and ducking from ms kwok's flying slipper, i'm gonna miss sweet zhi yang, i'm gonna miss hearing ang-soh's screaming, i'm gonna miss hearing mr tong's dirty comments and mentally counting the number of times he says 'itself' in a sentence, i'm gonna miss darling neetha gently removing make-up from my face even though i could have very well done it myself, i'm gonna miss staying back in school until late and having dinner together and chit chatting and singing as if we had the greatest voices in the world...aaargghhh! the list goes on and on.
i dont want it to end. never ever. after syf it'll all really be over. then we'll go our separate ways (i cant stay deluded, this will eventully happen...) and this expereince will just be a distant bittersweet memory. dorisa made me tear just now. i almost bawled my eyes out but no, i'm not gonna let myself break down, not now anyway. there's no point.
thanks to all those who came to support. thanks muchos for the flowers and chocolates and brownie. love 'em all.
to dorisa and xiaoyi, smile babes.
i'll try upload photos soon.
sheer elegance-
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Where is the moment we need at the most
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
They tell me your blue skies fade to grey
They tell me your passion's gone away
And I don't need no carryin' on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with the coffee to go
You tell me your life's been way off line
You're falling to pieces everytime
And I don't need no carryin' on
Cause you had a bad dayYou're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't knowYou tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Well you need a blue sky holiday
The point is they laugh at what you say
And I don't need no carryin' on
You had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
The camera don't lie
You're coming back down and you really don't mind
You had a bad day
(Oh.. Holiday..)
Sometimes the system goes on the blink
And the whole thing turns out wrong
You might not make it back and you know
That you could be well oh that strong
And I'm not wrong
So where is the passion when you need it the most
Oh you and I
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Daniel Powter - Bad Day
sheer elegance-